
A full list can be found at Orcid:

orcid iconOrcid: 0000-0002-2051-0919

Below is a list with links of publications where I’ve had more of an input:

Sherrard-Smith, E., Skarp, J. E., Beale, A. D., Fornadel, C., Norris, L. C., Moore, S. J., Mihreteab, S., Charlwood, J. D., Bhatt, S., Winskill, P., Griffin, J. T., Churcher, T. S. (2019). Mosquito feeding behavior and how it influences residual malaria transmission across Africa. PNAS,

Beale A. D., Kruchek E., Kitcatt S. J., Henslee E. A., Parry J. S. W., Braun G., Jabr R., von Schantz M., O’Neill J. S., and Labeed F. H. (2019). Casein Kinase 1 Underlies Temperature Compensation of Circadian Rhythms in Human Red Blood Cells. Journal of Biological Rhythms,

Steindal I. A. F.*, Beale A. D.*, Yamamoto Y. and Whitmore D. (2018). Development of the Astyanax mexicanus circadian clock and non-visual light responses. Developmental Biology,

Beale A. D., Pedrazzoli M., Gonçalves B. dS. B., Beijamini F., Duarte N. E., Egan K. J., Knutson K. L., von Schantz M. and Roden L. C. (2017). Comparison between an African town and a neighbouring village shows delayed, but not decreased, sleep during the early stages of urbanisation. Scientific Reports,

Beale A. D., Whitmore D. and Moran D. (2016). Life in a dark biosphere: a review of circadian physiology in “arrhythmic” environments. Journal of Comparative Physiology B, doi:10.1007/s00360-016-1000-6

Beale A. D. and Whitmore D. (2015). Daily rhythms in a timeless environment: Circadian clocks in Astyanax mexicanus. In The Biology and Evolution of the Mexican Cavefish (Keene A, Yoshizawa M, McGaugh S Eds.). pp 309-334. Elsevier

Beale A.*, Guibal C.*, Tamai T., Klotz L., Cowen S., Peyric E., Reynoso V. H., Yamamoto Y. and Whitmore D. (2013). Clocks in a cave: circadian rhythms in the Mexican blind cavefish Astyanax mexicanus in the lab and in the field. Nature Communications 4:2769

Beale A. D. (2013). The circadian clock of the Mexican blind cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus. Doctoral thesis, UCL (University College London)

Clemente C. J., Bullock J. M. R., Beale A. and Federle W. (2009). Evidence for self-cleaning in fluid-based smooth and hairy adhesive systems of insects. Journal of Experimental Biology 213:635-642

Magazine articles:

Beale A. D.(2017). Can’t Switch Off?. The Biologist

As AuthorAID mentor:

Toma A.M, Deyno S. Fikru A., Eyado A. and Beale A. (2015). In vivo antiplasmodial and toxicological effect of crude ethanol extract of Echinops kebericho traditionally used in treatment of malaria in Ethiopia. Malaria Journal 14(1):196

Toma A.M, Makonnen E., Mekonnen Y., Debella A. and Adiskwaattana S. (2014). Intestinal alpha-glucosidase and some pancreatic enzymes inhibitory effect of hydroalcholic extract of Moringa stenopetala leaves. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 14:180

Message me if you would like to access any of the above.